Thursday, 25 May 2017

☁ (Story of a girl falling)

She always had the same dream lately. She always dream of her friends and her, lying down on their back on a piece of cloud for each of them. And the climax of her dream always be her least favorite part —in which her favorite part is a lot; the smooth cloud caressing her back, the cold wind that's warm enough to rock her cloud, the smiles and laughter of her friends' and hers. that agonizing part always be the point where she would suddenly know that her dream is a dream. Realize that she didnt put 'just' in her words—just a dream—because seriously, it wasn't just a dream to her, its a daily source of discouragement to her. What happen next? Cliché. She falls. Falls down to the earth that's sickly, falls down to reality. And she falls alone. Her friends don't. Her friends don't fall. The clouds her friends are on are still strong, no sign of pouring rain.

So why? Why did she falls? She isn't heavy at all and she sure doesn't move too much. Are you thinking? Water from earth evaporates and they form clouds. The more water are evaporated, the heavier the cloud that is formed.
The girl is like the cloud. Maybe I am like the cloud. Maybe you are. Maybe we all are. Maybe we absorb too much of everything—unnecessary emotions, other peoples' words, strangers' gazes, or maybe simply just our own thoughts. And that weigh on us. Like how it weigh on the girl. Maybe in reality, she felt like she's not good enough, maybe someone said words that bother her, maybe she felt like everyone is judging her, or maybe she doesn't like herself. Whatever the cause is, or the causes are, it/they weigh/s her. And she falls. In which fall can be translated to a direct meaning; silently giving up and letting go.
Is the fall good for the girl? Well, if she falls, then she can be in earth right? Isn't it more beautiful, with the existence of hi tech gadgets, tall shining buildings and BTS?
Well, idk the answer to that, people. Maybe it's good for her, who knows maybe she'll have a better life. It's up to her to decide that. I don't have any authorities to decide. I'm just a crappy story teller.
So you get it right? She gave up and let go, let everything go. Even the scratches left by the person she doesn't even care, she left it. She reborn and reborn strong and unbreakable.

What, you got a question?
For sure, idk the answer to your question. Idk if falling is good for you or not. I'm sorry. I told you I'm a bad story teller. I want to tell this story in hopes I can motivate anyone. But now, i don't think i am.

But, hey, relax. 😊 Relax and think. I'm sorry to tell you to do things that's hard to do but do it. And if you really don't know, then don't fall. Don't give up and let go. Because if you don't know, that means that even if it's no bigger than an ant, you still have a fight in you. A fight with the enemy in you. Embrace it and be strong.


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